Well Cohen has finally arrived all 7 lbs 19 1/2 in. of him, he actually came on his due date! Crazy I know...how often does that happen. It started Friday night on our way to date night I started feeling tightening and menstrual type cramps and of course I wasn't sure if they were contractions bc I didnt know what contractions felt like (I've never been through this). So I called Tiffany to ask her all about it, I started having Taylor time them and they were about 10 mins apart. We got home, got to bed and at 2 am in the morning I woke feeling pain and so I started to take a bath and I had to tell Taylor I was taking one other wise if he would have woke up and I wasnt there he would have freaked out. So when I told him I had felt like I had gone to the bathroom in my pants, so I got in the bath and still felt like I was going to the bathroom. I texted Tiffany again b/c I wasnt sure. I woke Taylor up to time again and they were about 2 mins apart, Taylor convinces me to go to the hospital and on they way there they were only 1 min apart. We get to the hospital check in and sure enough my water was broken. Now I know what that was...it wasnt me going to the bathroom in my pants. I was so blessed I had a really fast delivery...The nurse had checked me and I was 5 cm and then two hours later the doctor comes in to check and asks if I am ready to push...I had no clue I had progressed so quickly b/c I hear stories of people being labor for forever that's what I expected. Needless to say I had this huge fear of labor and it wasn't at all what I expected. It was all worth it. and now he's here and I am loving being a mom. It's so amazing how God works and how He chose me to be Cohen's mother. I love watching Taylor dote all over his new baby boy! He's amazing and has helped me so much this past week.
14 years ago
Let me be the first to welcome you to this wonderful blog community! There are so many wonderful blogs and you will find many who are new moms like yourself. As for me, I will probably get to communicate more with you through this avenue. Congratulations to you both. He is a precious baby. I can't wait to hear your posts about your experiences. It sounds like you have an amazing husband and friends to support you. Tell him I said Hi! (I'm your cousin in OK!)
Well, hi there. I was directed here by the avt coach. Congratulations on the beautiful new baby! That's such a life changing event, but the best kind. I love the sentiment that you have expressed here, that God chose you to be his mother. That's beautiful.
We never got one even close to the due date.
I found your blog from AVT coach and I wanted to come welcome you and tell you Congrats--- your baby is beautiful!!
Cute baby!
Enjoy your little man!
Found you through AVT Coach...congratulations on the new baby!! There is nothing quite as wonderful as being a Mommy!!
Welcome to the little one!!
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby - so precious!
Take care - Kellan
Congratulations on your beautiful baby and for entering the world of blog. I found you through avt coach. I wish you all the best. Enjoy each moment! -- Roban
came on over from AVTCoach's blog.
congrats on the beautiful new baby! Cohen is such a great name too!
I didn't even mind the 2 and 4 a.m. texts. I felt blessed to know that he was coming!!
Oh my goodness, that is a gorgeous baby! What a blessing! Congratulations to you both! (And Mom- you look awesome too!)
Wow, a baby ON their due date is rare indeed. Talk about a LOVELY baby. Congratulations. AVT Coach sent me.....lucky you to have her as an aunt! :)
he is beautiful--what a great head of hair! many blessings on your growing family:)
Oh My!!! What a gorgeous baby! I am so happy for you! Babies are God's way of saying the world should continue on! I know that your precious baby is very lucky to have been you as his parents! I am so glad that avtcoach let us know about your blog! It's a Winner and fantastic Blog! I hope you'll keep posting photos and writing and I'll keep reading!
Welcome Cohen to this world and welcome to you to this blogging world!! he is a cutie. October 20 is a popular day. I know a few people with that bday. Or should I say 9 months prior was a popular day.
P.S. Came over from AVT Coach.
The baby is beautiful. Be careful - blogging can be addictive. But I know with a little one most of your attention will be elsewhere. Good luck new mommy and new blogger! Visiting from avt coach.
Congrats!! He's so beautiful. I envy you this special time, try to get some sleep so that you can fully remember it!
(came via AVT)
He is gorgeous! And I'm so glad you had a good labor experience...
I'm over to admire the new kiddo via AVT Coach! He's just beautiful! Many, many congrats!!
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